Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome to the Art of Creative Living

Hi there,
Welcome to the Art of Creative Living blogsite.

To introduce this blogsite, I would like to pose a few questions:
1. do you enjoy each day of your life ?
2. do you feel life is an opportunity to be creative and adventurous ?
3. do you feel free, or do you feel trapped or overwhelmed by life’s demands ?

This blogsite is about maximizing our engagement with life.

In engaging with life we may wish to aim for personal development or personal growth, successful career, wealth generation and financial independence, to become a leader, have a harmonious family life, fitness and longevity, even enlightenment no less - or perhaps several or all of the above.

My function here, for want of a better term, is known as a “Life Coach.” I prefer to call myself a “Creativity Facilitator” but since people are not familiar with this term, I'll continue to wear the Life Coach tag for now.

Now as a Life Coach, I do not have to put myself forward as a model of success. I am human and have many failings - as much as the next person, give or take. But I can still function as an effective coach. The best swim coaches, tennis coaches, and golf coaches probably couldn’t win a tournament for the life of them. But they are likely to be better coaches than even the champions. Similarly, many financial advisors may only have relatively modest assets, but they may still be good financial advisors.

My job is even easier. I function as a sounding board. I ask my client what they are aiming for (yes goal-setting, short, medium and long term – simple and necessary), get them to clarify, and remind them about their goals, keep them focussed. I also toss in ideas for them to consider. They are in the driver's seat. As a facilitator, they cannot even use me as a crutch let alone their vehicle to success. I will keep referring them back to their own resources.

Everyone can benefit from a Life Coach. Even Life Coaches benefit from having a Life Coach.

I run my interactive sessions via email (not so stimulating, but it provides running documentation, gives time for people to consider responses, and provides the convenience of not having to be present in real time), and when necessary, via IM videolink such as Yahoo! Messenger or Skype.

I enjoy being a Creativity Facilitator. I also enjoy every day of my life (yes, even the "bad days"). I enjoy being creative and adventurous. And, you guessed it, I feel free. So I feel I have attained a measure of success, and a desire to pass on insights acquired during my life's journey ("so far, so good" as they say).

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on creative personal development in this blog.

I also look forward to hearing from readers who enjoy this blog. Feel free to send me an email. Vive la synergie !

To Life !
Cheers, Geoff

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